miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2011


The operational dynamics of New PDVSA has a human face that is linked to the events necessary for the economic, political, cultural, environmental, many communities in our geography. In 2006 on instructions from the citizen Minister of Energy and Petroleum and President of PDVSA, Rafael Ramírez Engineer, Division South Central Division now Boyacá, attention was given the point of account 0022 - MENPET where assigned assigned to PDVSA committed to meeting and linked to the development of Suruguapo Nucleus of Endogenous Development, guideline which to date remains in effect..
In the year 2007 registered the first agreement signed between the Council Foundation for Endogenous Development of SURUGUAPO (FUNDESURUGUAPO) and PDVSA South Central Division, certified in the Notary Public Second Barinas under No. 30 of Volume 189 of 13 / 12/2007, for an amount of Bs.F. 1,500,000.00. distributed in the following items: Communities and Missions Support (8.33%) Production Support (54.71%), Road Transport Social (26.66%), community radio (7.3%) and expensesAdministrative (3%). Conventions As a strategic agency on the basis of cooperation and complementarity, applying methodologies: preliminary assessment, training, technological and financial assistance, constructive processes and services, useful and necessary for rural development in the communities that make up NUDE-Suruguapo its 84 000 hectares.
In 2008, to continue the operational dynamics, Addendum, a first amount of Bs.F.2,000,000.00, with this contribution reinforcing actions already under way in different social projects, economic, services, and agro products involved in the agreement Fundesuruguapo PDVSA since its inception, making the continuity of the budgetary allocation reason to reinvigorate the stock, being distributed as follows: Communities and Missions Support (2.5%), Production Support (65%), Social Road Transport (30%), and Administrative Expenses (2.5 %). In order to expand investment in socio-productive projects that help to ensure further development of the beneficiary communities that result in food sovereignty of our country.
In the period 2011, under the social dynamics and politics, specifically the construction of three (03) central to the agro-ecological benefits of coffee, three (03) transportation routes and utility services and other projects in the productive, economic, environmental and ecotourism.

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